7 Monday Morning Habits For a Great Week

How does your Monday morning usually start? This post explores 7 Monday morning habits for a great week!

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What do your Monday morning habits look like? How are you setting yourself up for a great week?

After a busy weekend, or even a relaxing weekend, it can often feel like Monday comes back around too quickly. The Sunday scaries, as some would call them.

Whilst there’s no perfect Monday, setting new habits and intentions first thing in the morning is an ideal way to start the week. A fresh start every 7 days!

With these Monday morning habits, I hope you’ll learn to love the start of a new week, and stop the existential dread every Sunday evening.

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Go to sleep earlier

Technically, this one starts the night before as opposed to Monday morning. However, it is the foundation for setting yourself up for success in the week.

Focus on getting a good, quality night’s sleep. This is crucial for your overall productivity and energy levels throughout the day!

I know we can all be impartial to getting into bed at a reasonable time, and then end up scrolling away on social media for hours on end. I am one of those people too.

The goal here is to be stricter with yourself – knowing you will benefit from it in the morning, and in the long run altogether.

Keep your phone away from you at nighttime. Start a good book. Practice mindful habits with a 5 minute journaling session. You will thank yourself in the morning.

Set an earlier alarm

monday morning habits

Off the back of going to bed earlier, you should aim to set an earlier alarm in the morning.

If you normally wake up at 8, try getting up at 7:30. If you get up at 7:30, try setting your alarm at 7, and so on. You’d be surprised what that extra half an hour can do.

Waking up earlier gives you the opportunity to start your day without feeling rushed, taking the time to get ready at more of a leisurely pace. It could also mean you have time to head to a coffee shop before work as an added incentive to start the week with a better mindset.

Not everyone’s a morning person – myself included – but you’d be surprised at what the extra half an hour in the morning can do for your outlook on the week!

Utilise a planner

My planner is my absolute lifesaver! I’ve used many over the years, but my favourite has come to be the Leuchtturm 1917 Weekly Planner & Notebook.

I use my planner for just about everything – work tasks, appointments, even keeping track of when I last washed my hair… With this Weekly Planner, I set out my week on the left, and fill in all my work things to-do on the right.

Although I use this all week-long, the thing that makes this such a useful Monday morning habit is the ability to plan ahead and prepare first thing in the morning. It gives you clear intentions and structure, so it all feels a little less overwhelming to navigate each week.

Plus, I find that when you personalise your routine and habits through things like colour, they become much easier to obtain. It’s a fun but practical habit to incorporate into your routine.

Typically I go for the Sage, but last year it sold out so I had to opt for Port Red. Take this as your reminder to get ahead and get your favourite colour today before it sells out!

Purchase yours: https://amzn.to/4gIQIUT

Leave work till you get to work

leave work till you get to your desk

Try and hold off from checking your emails, responding to messages or answering any calls till you’re at your desk at the time you’re due to start. I know, it can be easier said than done.

You might think you’re doing yourself a favour by getting the odd email out of the way, but the reality is you risk doing more harm than good.

Are you going to be in the right mindset as you’ve just woke up? Likely not.

Reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, whether it’s work-related or checking social media, isn’t a productive use of your time. Focus on yourself first, and then you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself with a fresh mind when work begins.

Fuel your body

You know what they say – breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Food is energy, and you need it to be able to have a productive day and week.

Make a habit of eating breakfast, and make it a healthy one if you can. Smoothies, eggs, oats, yoghurt, these are all examples of healthy breakfast options. They’re often fairly quick and easy to make too – even better if you prepare it the night before!

Eating breakfast will help you to replenish important nutrients, top up energy, and help you follow a well-balanced diet throughout the day. Otherwise, you may find yourself reaching for the snacks all morning long…

It’s a habit that also gets you into a solid morning routine, bringing a clear structure to the rest of your day and throughout the week.

Get moving

Even if it’s only for 5 minutes! Get your body moving and your blood flowing, to help wake you from your sleep and to feel fresh and ready to tackle the week.

That could be by walking the dog, going for a 20 minute run, or just stretching your body – any intentional movement is better than none.

It might not feel like it to begin with, but you will soon find it improves your mood, giving you more energy throughout the day, and even help to give you mental clarity as you tackle your work.

Plus, just think about how accomplished will you feel by the end of the day!

Reframe your mindset with new Monday morning habits

To some, Monday is just another day. But to others it can be a mini fresh start to every week. You just have to reframe your mindset.

Monday mornings can be hard, there’s no denying that. Switching your body back into work mode, and mentally adjusting for the work week ahead – it can be challenging. By reframing your mindset, you’re actively working to go against that and look on the brighter side.

Beat the Monday blues and establish new habits to set you up for the week. That way you’ll no longer dread the end of the weekend!

This blog post has highlighted 7 important Monday morning habits to set you up for a great week! You may also like:

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