My Experience of Veganuary 2024

Having done Veganuary for the past 4 years, I thought it would get easier and easier each year. But this January has been quite different!

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Having successfully completed Veganuary for the past 4 years, I thought it would get easier and easier each year. But this January, my experience of Veganism has been completely different!

Why participate in Veganuary?

People participate in Veganuary for many different reasons. Veganuary, the non-profit organisation, strive to drive awareness and grow the movement, not only with their January efforts but with targets all year round.

Veganuary encourages and supports people and businesses alike to move to a plant-based diet as a way of protecting the environment, preventing animal suffering, and improving the health of millions of people.

For a greener planet, improved health, kindness to animals, lower bills – many people try veganism for a variety of reasons.

My previous experience

I have been participating in Veganuary now for the past 4 years, but my experience of eating vegan spans even further than that. Since college I have done a number of vegan weeks, as well as my yearly Veganuary efforts.

In previous years, I’ve made a huge effort in planning my meals, trying different recipes and consistently sticking to it. One year I took to documenting it right here on this blog: Going Vegan.

Back when I first started periodically going vegan, a lot of it was down to environmental reasons, but also due to health reasons as well. My first vegan blog post also briefly explored how Veganuary was being marketed – which hasn’t been a focus of mine as I’ve progressed with it, but a glimpse into the future with my career in marketing now!

What happened this year?

I wasn’t proud of my efforts this year. I’ve been quite lazy with the foods I’ve eaten – takeaways, fast food, ready meals. I haven’t put nearly as much effort into cooking as I have done in previous years.

This also didn’t help with my overall goals of Veganuary, which was detoxing, healthier eating, and losing weight. In fact, since going back to my regular diet, I’ve found I’ve lost weight than I had done whilst eating vegan.

I gave up Veganuary mid way through the month, hence why I’m writing my experience much earlier than I originally anticipated. So, why did that happen? Veganuary is all about accountability, after all.

To set the scene, I had had one long, draining day. My meal planned for the evening was a Thai green curry, something that I would normally look forward to. But on this evening, I really wasn’t in the mood for it. Ordinarily, you’d just make something else for dinner, right? But no, because I meal planned precisely for the week, and knew I was going out for dinner the following evening, I didn’t really have anything else to eat.

Normally, I would be up for trying different meat alternatives, and seeing how they compare in a dish that I enjoy. However, as I was cooking my fake chicken, completely lacking energy and somehow managing to catch a cold in the span of a few hours, I was put right off. I gave up there and then!

I felt like such a failure, and still do in some ways. I’ve always seen it through before, so was feeling particularly disappointed in my self. But life moves on, and moving forward Veganuary will be different for me.

Moving forward?

Looking towards the future, I honestly don’t think I will participate again. Not in the same extent that I have done before.

I will always be up for trying new products brought out throughout the month, but I don’t think I’ll commit to Veganuary again. We had a good run though!

Have you been participating this month? If not, what’s holding you back?

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