My First Month as a Blogger

Let's talk about blogging: my first month dedicated to this blog; behind the scenes; and sharing my writing with the world.

Table of Contents

August 2023. It’s time I started to take this whole blogger thing a bit more seriously. If you’re looking to start getting your writing out there but don’t know where to begin – we’re in the same boat! Here’s how my first month as a blogger is going…

The backstory

I’ve always been a lover of writing. As a child I had a lot of hobbies, and few have stuck with me as I’ve grown up. Yet the one thing I have always been into is writing. Fiction, poetry, blogs, copywriting – I’ve done the lot.

It’s time I did something with that passion for myself. Despite having this blog since 2019, and many attempts in-between then and now to get into it properly (see: Why I Became A Journalist, or: The Graduate Life), this month is the first time I’ve felt truly dedicated and enthusiastic about being a ‘blogger’.

So what changed?

Support and inspiration from other people, mostly. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always had people supporting my blog. But the beauty of TikTok gave me a whole new wave of inspiration. Actually talking to people about the blog posts I was making also encouraged me to make more. It showed me ways to use platforms I was already using, to share my work with a wider audience!

But more on that later…

Let’s get into what that first month has looked like, and how you can also get your work out there as a writer!

Establishing my blog

For the first time, this blog really feels like my own. My own domain. My own logo. It’s my own brand!

Although blogs should have a niche, does there need to be a timeframe on how long it takes to develop one? Working as a copywriter, and having looked at the different advice and recommendations out there myself, all point towards finding your own niche. Whilst writing about your various passions is generally advised against, how else are you supposed to develop that niche?

We all have to start somewhere.

At the time of posting, I have categorised my blog into three categories. This could well be open to change. These topics are: writing; fitness; and self help. The writing section is an obvious one, and one that I am extremely passionate about. Not only is it a personal passion, but I am a copywriter for a living. I think I’ve got a pretty good grasp on sharing advice, tips and tricks. However, it should also be known that even as a personal passion, it can be a bit limiting, from both a writer and reader’s perspective.

I definitely don’t consider myself to be an expert on the latter two categories. But if one person benefits from my own experiences and tips I’ve learnt along the way, that’s a win in my eyes! You should never stop learning or looking to better yourself. These two categories are an ideal opportunity to do so, whilst giving me interesting topics to write about.

Finding and developing a niche involves a certain degree of trial and error, and simply exploring the different things you’re excited about writing is perfectly okay. After all, if you’re not excited about writing it, you can guarantee no one is going to be excited about reading it.

Getting my blog out there

For me, writing the blog is by far the easiest part. Getting it out there is where it gets a bit harder. As alongside establishing my blog, meant trying to increase traffic to the site itself. Why write it if no one’s going to see it? It’s not a diary!

This is where some of my newfound skills in my career certainly come in hand.

There are a few different ways I’ve been working to share my blog, and to increase my post readership.

(These are just *some* of the things I’ve been doing, so if you want my real tips then head down to the next section!)

Organic sharing

Sharing to my different social media platforms: Twitter; Facebook; LinkedIn; Instagram. On Twitter or Facebook I try to share all my new posts. Some platforms are better than others for the category I’m writing about. For example, LinkedIn is great for my career/writing posts. I’m not sure that my fitness posts have any place here, as that’s not a business focus of mine.


Utilising my key skills about search engine optimisation is how I’m getting my blog seen online and drawing traffic to it through search engines. This includes writing about the keywords people are searching for, and ensuring my blog is well-optimised for viewer readability.


I had never used Pinterest in a marketing capacity at all, which is why this one has been so interesting to me. Using pins and boards is a great way to drive traffic to specific blog posts! Pinterest is ideas based – people are always searching for things so make sure your blog includes some answers!

Good ol’ fashioned, word of mouth!

I am extremely grateful for family and friends that share and talk about my blog themselves. It’s also made for interesting conversations about my decision to take this whole blogging thing more seriously, and people are intrigued by what I have to say!

Tips I’ve learnt so far

So, what can I ultimately share about what I’ve learnt so far in my first month of blogging?

  1. Aim to put out regular content/create a regular posting schedule: you should consistently have content going out to keep your blog fresh and your audience engaged.
  2. Always try to write more than less: long form content generates more social shares and is better for you trying to develop your authority as a writer – but it’s one I’m still working on myself!
  3. Don’t be afraid to write about what you want: developing a niche comes with time, if you don’t trial different topics how are you going to know what you’re good at/passionate about writing? If there’s no passion, then you can’t provide any true value.
  4. Make sure your content is easy to read: include a table of contents, break the text with images, quotes and bullet points – these simple tricks will greatly improve the reader’s experience.
  5. Step outside your comfort zone: it takes a lot to put your writing out there, but take this chance to become a real authority and share some value with the online world and beyond!

My first month dedicated to blogging has been a fun one. Admittedly, I haven’t stuck to my planned once-a-week posting schedule, but August has been a busy month…

When September comes around, there will be no excuses!

Keep an eye out for more writing tips, fitness stories and self help experiences, to get inspired in more ways than one. Let’s see where it takes us.

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