Couch to 5km: The Story So Far

As long as I can remember, if you had ever said to me I'll be taking up running in the summer, I would've laughed in your face...

Table of Contents

Guess who has started Couch to 5km?

At the start of the year, and as long as I can remember before that, if you had said to me I’ll be taking up running in the summer, I would’ve laughed in your face…

Fast forward to May 2023 and here we are! I’ve started Couch to 5km – and I’ve actually stuck to it. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have never, ever enjoyed running. I never thought I could enjoy it either, until now?

(Okay, maybe I don’t actively enjoy it just yet, but I do feel a lot better for it.)

Week 1

People always say that the hardest part is starting, and it couldn’t be more true. The truth is that I have downloaded and deleted the Couch to 5km app so many times before, and didn’t really have any faith it would be any different this time around.

I knew I was unfit, and I felt embarrassed about getting out there and running, conscious about what I would look like. But I think what really prompted me to start was having a really bad day with snacking – I felt like I had spent most of the day in and out of the cupboard and did not like my body for it.

So I put on my trainers and decided to actually go for it. And it was hard. 9 weeks of running starts now. The first week consisted of running intervals of 60 seconds and walking 90 seconds, and honestly, I couldn’t even do that on the very first one! I struggled back home out of breath, extremely hot and ready to collapse on the sofa.

But I didn’t call it quits there!

The key thing I realised over the next 2 runs was my pace. As long as I was jogging, it did not matter how fast it was. My running intervals were barely more than the brisk walks beforehand, but it was still something. I am proud to say I stuck to the intervals completely over the next 2 runs, and successfully finished week 1 – who would’ve thought it?

Week 2

This is where it started getting more manageable. By no means was it easier, but I definitely didn’t feel like I was dying by the end of it (refer back to week 1!)

The intervals in this week consisted of 90 seconds of running and 2 minutes of walking. Whilst even 30 seconds extra seemed scary, I didn’t let it stop me and off I went! My main challenge now I’ve decided to start this couch to 5km journey, just as we’re getting into warmer weather… But I’m all for the extra challenge. The next logical step would be to wake up earlier and get out in the morning, but one step at a time, right?

I wouldn’t go as far to say I’m enjoying running, but I definitely enjoy feeling better about myself and about the exercise I’m doing! Like I said before, this is an extreme rarity for me.

Week 3

As far as progression goes, this was the hardest week yet. Moving up to 3 minutes of continuous running? You must be joking! There’s no way I can do that…

Or so I thought! Turns out, it wasn’t as bad as I initially anticipated. Again, it was far from easy, but I would say I’ve come a long way, even from where I started back in week 1.

I’m still conscious of coming across people whilst I’m out on my runs. They can probably hear me out of breath and panting before they see me! Alongside that and not wanting to branch out and start running along the roads, my park runs are getting quite repetitious. Another challenge that I need to overcome.

Week 4

The first setback…

This week’s runs consisted of intervals of 3 minutes and 5 minutes of running – my longest time yet! For the first run, I had high hopes. I managed to smash it out (16 minutes of running in total) and actually felt okay doing it!

However, the second run was highly disappointing. I tried switching up the route but came across more hills than I had anticipated for. It was far too hot, and I couldn’t finish it.


But the most important thing now for me to do was to accept the fact, get over it and get back out there…

And that’s what I did! I went out again and made up for that failed run, completed another and successfully smashed out week 4. I often consider myself to be a perfectionist, so failing on a run would have set me back and I would have given up completely. So for me to get back out there and keep going is quite the success in my eyes!

Week 5

Officially half way through – how did that happen?

3 lots of 5 minute running intervals, and finally it stopped feeling like the hardest thing I’ve ever done – this must be progress? It might be time to start investing in some proper trainers at this rate.

But this will be my last run for a short while, as I’m going away to Florida. As much as I would like to keep up with my progress, there’s no way I’ll be able to run in 30c heat. Time for a well-earned break instead!

So next time, we’ll pick up where we left off and see in another 5 weeks if I really can run 5km…

How hard can it be?!

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