Is Daily Walking Beneficial For You?

When it comes to fitness, it's not always the top of my list of priorities. However, I'm coming to appreciate the benefits of daily walking!

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When it comes to fitness, I’ll be the first to admit it’s not the top of my list of priorities. However, I’m coming to realise and appreciate the benefits of daily walking more and more, and why it’s one of the best exercises for you!

Why have I been walking every day?

Back when we only had one dog, Betsy, my family and I would take turns taking her out on her walk each day. Ever since getting my puppy Bertie, he’s been my sole responsibility, and as a result I have been taking him out for his walk every day!

As a miniature breed, his walks started out at just 5 minutes around my close, getting him used to going out more and more. Now that he’s getting older, our walks have been getting longer, and consequently, I’ve been experiencing and enjoying the benefits.

Not only do I take Bertie out each day, but I make sure that I’m the one to take Betsy out too. Whilst I can’t quite take them both out on my own just yet, taking one out after the other means I’m walking further daily than I ever have before.

What have I found?

After all this time, I enjoy taking the dogs out! There were times where I used to view it as a chore, particularly in the wintertime, and dreaded going out each day. This was mainly down to sticking to the same boring route, going out in the dark and leaving it too late in the evening.

By reframing my mindset, it’s a part of my day where I can take an hour out and get fresh air, switch off from social media and get my steps in. Not only is it an essential task for the dogs, but I find it to be an extremely important part of my day as well.

Is it beneficial?

Walking can be extremely beneficial for you, in numerous aspects of life: physically and mentally.

Whilst the physical benefits may be obvious, there are some that may shock you as well. As stated by the NHS website:

“Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.”

But you don’t have to walk for hours in order to receive these benefits, even a 10 minute walk each day can be beneficial! It can help with overall muscle endurance, increased cardiovascular fitness and more. Don’t get me wrong, the science behind it is definitely not my area of expertise, but all the sources point to the same result – daily walking can have a positive impact on your life.

You shouldn’t underestimate the mental benefits either. In fact, I personally value them over the physical benefits. Taking the time out each day to go for a walk is great for improving your mood, reducing stress, clearing your mind, and even helping you to sleep better (source: Bupa).

Within my own experience, I find that I have more energy and improved fitness, as well as achieving more mental clarity and feeling less stressed.

Should you go walking every day?

If you can, I highly suggest doing so.

It doesn’t have to be a chore either – there are many ways to build walking into your daily life. For me it started with walking the dogs every day! However, it can be something as simple as walking to your local shop instead of driving, meeting up with a friend and getting out that way, or heading out for 20 minutes on your lunch break.

The next time you’ve got a spare hour, half an hour or even 15 minutes, why not head out and get some more steps in?

What do you think of daily walking?

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