The Ultimate Sunday Self Care Checklist

Looking for the best way to spend the end of the week? Here's the ultimate Sunday self care checklist!

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Looking for the best way to spend the end of the week? Here’s the ultimate Sunday self care checklist!

For many, the end of the week can bring a sense of dread before the new week ahead. Not everyone enjoys a Monday, after all. If you’re looking to improve your Monday mornings, make sure you check out my 7 Monday Morning Habits For a Great Week.

But, if you’re wanting to stop dreading the end of the week and viewing Sunday evening as a negative, you’re in need of my self care checklist. Whether you’ve had an intense weekend of socialising, or need some help getting out of a weekend slump, self care can be great for everyone.

Don’t forget to bookmark this blog so that any time you need some well needed ‘me-time’, you can refer back to this self care checklist!

Plan a digital detox

How many of you are susceptible to scrolling the evening away on TikTok – I know I am! It’s not a productive use of time, but it’s something we’re inevitably all guilty of.

Schedule an hour out of your evening, and put your phone, tablet, or computer away. Taking a break from your technology helps you to become more present, reducing stress from the incessant buzz on your phone.

You may not even realise how anxiety and stress can manifest from a constant phone usage. By disconnecting for even just an hour, you can focus on other things that bring you peace, bringing a sense of calm to your evening.

Plus, when we’re not scrolling the evening away, think about all the time you will have to focus on and enjoy your self care Sunday.

Go for a walk

Why not coordinate your digital detox alongside getting out and about in nature? Walking can be extremely beneficial for both your mental and physical health.

I find the benefits of daily walking has given me more energy and improved fitness, as well as achieving more mental clarity and feeling less stressed. It can help to lighten your mood and help you wind down for the evening.

Getting out in the fresh air can also help you to decrease stress and relax, putting you into the right mindset for a well-deserved evening of self care.

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Treat yourself to your favourite dinner

Cooking can be incredibly therapeutic, and a pleasant way to spend a late Sunday afternoon.

Not only can it provide a meditative experience, helping you to focus on the moment and de-stress, but there’s also an added sense of accomplishment having taken the time to cook something from scratch. I always find it rewarding!

When you pick out your favourite dish to make, it can become a great recipe for the perfect self care Sunday. Create a relaxing environment by putting on some music, pour a glass of wine or make your preferred mocktail and spend some quality time cooking good food.

We’re trying to take the existential dread out of Sundays, so creating your favourite dinner is just one step in the self care checklist to look forward to.

Plan your upcoming week

Some people don’t like to think about the upcoming week, but by thinking and planning ahead, you can start to navigate some of the issues you may be worrying about.

I am a huge advocate for lists and organisation, but not everyone shares the same passion. However, I still find that just a few minutes out of your evening can set you up for an even better week.

Sit down with your favourite hot drink – or iced, if you’re like me – and write out the main priorities for the upcoming week. The intention here isn’t to make you worried about what that’s going to look like, but rather getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper and visualising the week ahead.

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Practice gratitude

Sunday’s are an ideal opportunity to reflect on the busyness – or not so busyness – from the week before. Taking the time to reflect on what you’re grateful on can help you to shift your focus and outlook on life overall, to learn to see the positivity rather than the negativity.

Even spending a short amount of time out of your evening can have a great impact. I have found The Five Minute Journal to be a hugely beneficial type of journaling – one that doesn’t require too much out of my day.

It provides you with small prompts each day to get you thinking, and weekly challenges to incorporate mindfulness and gratitude into your daily practices. It’s a simple, but transformative tool that can help you become calmer and happier in yourself.

Indulge your skin

Your skincare routine is something you should be doing every morning and night, by why not indulge your skin with an added gift?

I love treating my skin to a face mask every once in a while, and a self care Sunday is a perfect opportunity to reset and relax with one. You can find masks to suit a range of skincare goals, particularly if you’re in need of an added pick up one week.

I love the Garnier sheet masks, as there is such a variety to choose from. Some of my personal favourites include the Vitamin C and moisture bomb sheet mask, as my own personal goals are to hydrate and brighten.

The Garnier Sheet Mask Complete Collection provides you with a full set, preparing you for self care Sundays for the rest of the year! Light a candle, wrap up and get cosy, and indulge your skin in moisture whilst you enjoy complete relaxation.

Turn the lights out early

Finally, an early night is truly one of the best ends to a week.

Not only will it help with your overall sleep, but you will feel more refreshed by the time Monday rolls around. I find that a realistic target is to aim to head to sleep at least half an hour than you usually would. It might not seem a lot at first, but you can then try to increase it earlier and earlier.

Plus, it will be easier after following my self care checklist, as you’ll have been winding down all evening, setting yourself up for relaxation and a quality night’s sleep.

This post has given you the ultimate Sunday self care checklist! You may also like:

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